
[iPhone][値下げ] Sad Scale | IPad IPhone Wire

ACEP NEWS 2010 5おすすめ





スケールをZungとうつ病の診断を確認するための包括的な臨床面接の場所を取ることができない。 Zung規模も調査研究に時間をかけてうつ病の重症度の変化を監視するためのシンプルなツールを提供しています。















Sad Scale
(Depression, Postpartum Depression, Geriatric Depression, Children depression scale)
On Sale Now (Limited time) 5 depression scales!) SEE BELOW ON WHAT IS NEW as of July 16th!
Featured on ACEP NEWS May 2010

Major depression affects five percent of the U.S population. It is believed that 10-15% of women will suffer postpartum depression (PPD) after the birth of a baby.


PPD can lead to marital tension, suicide, and infanticide. This application contains the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale which is a simple questionnaire that you can take. The advantage of having this test available on your IPhone is that you will be able to test yourself and store the results for your doctor. The results can be emailed. The program will save the last 30 entries.

The Zung depression questionnaire contains 20 questions. This is a widely used screening tool. The user can take the test over and over. It will store your results so that you can share with your physician. The application will only keep track of one patient at a time. The tool should be used in conjunction with your health care provider. Sometimes patients do not realize that they are getting more depressed or having signs of depression. The goal of the application is to raise awareness of this disease and to help patients seek medical care.

Zung scale cannot take the place of a comprehensive clinical interview for confirming a diagnosis of depression. The Zung scale also provides a simple tool for monitoring changes in depression severity over time in research studies.

Geriatric Depression Scale this is a depression scale that has 15 questions and allows the user to keep track of the score and also allows the user to email the results to their healthcare provider.
Our goal is to increase awareness of depression and to have patients seek medical care early.

Speak to your health care provider and ask how you can use this tool as part of your tracking your symptoms.


Also, you can take a picture of your graph if you prefer and then email it to your health care provider. In order to take pictures of screens please read instructions on our website.

* DISCLAIMER: This is not a substitute for seeking medical care, and has its limitations. This is a tool to be used with the care of a health care provider to follow management of current disease or to help screen. This is not a perfect test, we advise you consult with your physician if you feel you need help or go to the nearest emergency room. The scales cannot take the place of a comprehensive clinical interview for confirming a diagnosis of depression.

Please seek professional help if you are worried about depression or would like a full medical evaluation.

PLEASE NOTE: Internet connectivity required for email submission. It is important that you have internet access to send emails.
In order to set up the email do the following:
Depending on which email you use find out what is the outgoing server used when you set up your outlook.

For example if you use godaddy as your email host use:
Enter pop.secureserver.net.

Please share any stories concerning this app with us. We will not publish your name.
Please visit our website and sign up for our newsletter. We will be giving away free apps each month.

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[iPhone][値下げ] Sad Scale

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